Children require an abundance of time, supplies and money to take care of them. You have to make sure they have a place to sleep, have clothes to wear, supplies for their school work, and other necessities. You want to make sure that you are doing the best for your child. When you are a single parent in San Bernardino it can be very difficult to make ends meet in general but adding caring for a child on top of that can be next to impossible. That is where child support comes in. Both parents created this child and therefore both parents are responsible for the financial support of the child.


When you and your partner split it can be messy or you can end on bad terms. It can be hard for you to talk to each other and get the funds to support the child. This is why you could need a child support attorney San Bernardino to help you. They can take this to court and get a court mandated agreement that the other parent has to pay you the determined out to ensure the child is taken care of. You can find such a great child support attorney from, Law Office of Joyce Holcomb a family law firm in San Bernardino. They have been in the family law business for decades. They understand how family law works and how to get the most out of the child support case.